Monday, March 28, 2011

The power of a word

Hello there everyone!

You know when someone says the right word at the perfect time and that person makes your day? Well, what about those times when that person says something that maybe is not the right thing to say at the time? How long do we think about it? Is it just a day too? Or does it go on for longer?

Why is it that we always focus on the bad things most of time....and it takes a lot more effort to be recognized for something good we have accomplished. For example, why do teachers call parents when their son or daughter is doing bad in school but not when they have excellent marks?

I was just thinking....can we not tell everyone we talk to one good thing about them and why we appreciate them? Does it take that much effort? So much effort, yet we are very skilled in criticizing others....

How many times do we ACTUALLY know we have said the wrong thing, and we try and try to apologize yet the person doesnt accept it? What if you are one of those people? Why cant you say its ok, I forgive you? Why is it that it takes so much to accept someone with their faults too?

I just wrote many many questions, and I am sorry if you are not the "thinking" type. I just had not done it before, so I just wanted to see how it would go. I believe that all of us are beautiful and will be able to accomplish great things, and that all we need at times is a little push.

Every one of you is so valuable....and if it werent for you, I could not be writing this, so thank you.

As I have mentioned, my email is
Dont hesitate to email me!!

I love you all soo much!


p.s: I almost forgot the song for this post, it is Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne

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