Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What is YOUR opinion?

I wanted to start by thanking those of you who know I am sick, and have sent me wishes to get better. I slowly am getting better, but it's no fun to be sick. But thank you for your wishes! As well, I just checked my stats for the blog and there's readers from France and Netherlands!!! wow, thank you guys!

There is something I kind of wanted to talk about (and my next post will be the story about the girl who was there for me, someone asked for it, so I shall write about it).

I know that in many places (where I live included) the government is starting to realize the impact of mental health in teenagers (took them a while and a couple teenage suicides). Anyways, they are saying how awareness is the most important way to spend their money so society knows it is a big issue that needs to be addressed. I was just wondering what you guys think? Is it the best idea to put all that money into pure awareness?

Here's my opinion: I think that yes awareness is important, but not as important as helping those who are personally affected by it. To me, it's just kind of putting a bandaid on a bigger problem. The money should be invested in programs designed to actually help those teenagers, instead of just acknowledging the fact that they need help. For many, it is scary to ask for help (whereas it be your best friend, your parents, teacher, counsellor, etc). Many of us did not trust those people who wanted to "help". And the fact that it is so expensive didnt help either. More than acknowledging the problem, the money should help to potentially solve it. What do you guys think? I welcome all opinions! What would help YOU personally if the government were to spend money on this?

This post is dedicated to all of those who have taken the first step in getting better, and letting someone know. I am proud of you!! <3

The song for this post is By your side - Tokio Hotel. Very good song!

I care about you guys!


p.s: please leave a message with your opinion! :)




  2. Yeah for sure! Send me a link and I'll definitely look at it!! :) Thank you for liking my blog, it means a lot!
