So I have been recently looking back on my life in the past few years (even if I am still young :P) But I realized that in one year I have really changed. A year ago, I was very depressed, now I enjoy life. I enjoy the little things that make me happy. I have a wonderful family and a wonderful boyfriend to help me if something gets to me because even if I am a lot happier, depression, an eating disorder and anxiety are daily battles. And before I would let them control myself, but now I control them. And the biggest self-help has been me being able to ask for help when I need it.
You know what? It's ok to say: "Actually, I cant take on this or that. Or I really need to just relax for a day". Self-care is the best thing! If you are thinking: "Yeah, but you dont have the pressure to get good marks for school, or get into that great university you want to, or whatever it is"....actually, I do, I have to keep good marks to keep my scholarship for university. But you know what? What good is those grades or that university, if you are not there for it? Who will be honest with you if you are not honest with yourself first? Or say you want to help someone who is in a similar situation as you, how can you help someone if you are not healthy yourself?
Its a great self-analysis, which is why I can honestly say that I think I am fit to help. I have never been happier and healthier in my life. In fact, I can prove it! I went to my eating disorder doctor and he said next visit is my last visit! woohoo for me! I dont have to go there on a regular basis anymore! It feels great!! Like I'm finally finding the missing puzzle pieces of my life!!
If any of you feel like your life is about to crumble down from underneath you, please dont hesitate in contacting me, I would love to try and help you, or even if you just want to vent.
I am here for you.
You are not alone!
Take care.
You guys are all beautiful!!