Ok, so my close friend Matt is going through a hard time right now. I'm not going to get into details, because I understand it's confidential. But I do want him to read this eventually and know that I love him very much and I miss him. He is an amazing person and extremely important to me. He's like my little brother and I will always care about him soooo much. I know this is a very different post from all the rest, but I dont care. I want the world to know how much he means to me! How proud I am of all the things he has been able to overcome. And all the great things he will do in the future! I love you Matt and nothing anyone can say will change that. You know you are never ever worthless to me, and I will always be there. You know that. You know that no matter what you always will have someone to turn to. I'm sorry for those of you who don't know what's happening, but I needed to say this on here. I miss you soooo much Matt and I cant wait for us to talk again and for you to come home <3 If you see this, know that I am thinking of you and knowing you will be ok. <3 I LOVE YOU.
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