Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Making this last for longer

Do you ever get those times when you think you are feeling a little bit better but then you get scared you might actually get out of your comfort zone (with whatever it may be, depression, eating disorder, etc) and you freak out because you start realizing you might start feeling.....ew what's that word called? Happy? Is that what everyone calls it?

Well, to be honest, I was there too. For me depression was a comfort zone, it was all I had ever known for a long time, and since I was so used to it, the idea of getting out of it scared me! I didnt know what I was going to do! Everyone kept telling me that is what going to get better (you know what people say) but I was more worried about not being able to fit in in this "happy" world.

I'm going to be honest, the "transition" period between chronic depression and being ok (actually ok) is a bumpy one. I wouldnt know if I was getting better or worse, but eventually one day you realized you feel better! you might feel happy! It's ridiculous! but it happens!

BUT that being said it wasnt my environment or the things or people around me which made me get "better" was me. I decided I was tired of being sad all the time, and I forced myself to eat healthy. That was when the "bumpier" road started, but so many things I told to myself to keep me going. I wanted to get out of this! You know why? Because I wanted to help others who are going through what I was going through. It is such a difficult time! I know, but I want to be there....I want to be a listening ear. I know how important that was for ME, so I knew I HAD to help others. It's in me....

I worry so much about you, each and every one of you. Because I feel your pain, I know what it's like to be a teenager, because I'm one! Who better than a youth to know what a youth-friendly person means?

The looks, the feelings, etc....all of that matters!

But no matter what anyone tells you, you are beautiful!


I love you

Girl <3

Email me if you want to talk :)

I'm here to listen.

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