Thursday, April 21, 2011

All my life I've been so good...

What do you think about expectations? Do you ever feel like everyone has way too high expectations of you? And no matter how hard you try it is never enough?

Well, I feel like that too. And I guess its normal....and you know what hurts the most? That the people you actually care about the most are the ones that subconsciously expect too much of you...So now the question is, how to fix it?

Because we all like being praised for something we deserve but to be honest we dont usually get that, so how to turn things around? I think that starting with letting other people know what goals you have for yourself is a good one, you know why? Because then they cant put the goals for you, you already did that yourself! So YOU have set your own expections...

What if you still think that nothing you do is good enough? Well, how about working harder for the next thing you do, then you cant say its not good enough, because guess what? It's better than last time! So there you go!

I mean it's not like expectations can be lowered just like that, but it is something that can be worked towards...and it is something we should all do. Set our own expectations that we want others to have for us...

How many problems would be solved by doing that? Many. Specially for us. And by us, I mean you and I.

I care so much about you guys...its crazy, even if I dont know you, I still do, no matter what and probably always will. This blog is a part of my life too. It's a way for me to express myself and at the same time helping others that are going through the same thing I went.

I love you all


Friday, April 15, 2011

2 am, crying off my face again...

I was just listening to the song "The Lonely" by Christina Perri ( Whom I love!!!!) And it got me thinking of "those nights". When nothing is going right. When you feel like you cant take it anymore. The song is about a breakup, but many parts of the song can be applied to those feelings late at night. I specially enjoy the line" I'm the ghost of a girl that I want to be most. I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well." I guess thats two lines....but for me it symbolizes how you can usually look back on your life and realize that there were those moments were you truly felt happy. Now, you feel stuck in the present not being able to go back to that person you were. And honestly, it can drive you insane.

I used to feel like that and it was always bringing me down. Not allowing me to believe in myself or in any help I could get. I didnt think that being free was possible. I was wrong. It DOES get better. But as I've said before, it will be a bumpy ride. But nothing can get better unless you want to. So if you are struggling with sadness, make an EFFORT, tell yourself a million times that you will get past this, even if nothing has changed. This will allow you to be more open when you receive help. And it WILL help.

There is something about nighttime that triggers many bad emotions. I know, I experienced it too, just like you do. I still dont know what it is, but I think its related to the fact that as the night progresses you feel lonelier. It could be because all your friends start "leaving" either from msn, facebook, etc...and your family too. And you realize that all of the sudden everyone is asleep and you feel lonely. Feeling like you have no one to talk to. That's my opinion on why night is usually way tougher than the day.

I would like to specially thank Danielle in this post. You are a beautiful girl. Never be afraid of anything or anyone. You are strong! This will all pass soon! I know it will. Never forget that you are not alone. Ever.

I would also like to thank those people reading from Greece and India! Craziness!! Thank you!

I'll talk to you soon


Thursday, April 7, 2011

What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger BUT

Why try to test your limits? Is it really that important to know? I know, I am confident that each one of us know that we are worth something. Some dont want to accept it or let others know, but they know it themselves. You dont have to prove anything to anyone. You know that, then the real question is Why cant we be comfortable in our own skin?

I was thinking about that today...what is it that makes us fear of the opinion of others? Because, think about it, without opinions, there would be no fear as to what others think. Is it society in general? The stereotypes that we all "need to be"? Now, think about this...who is society? We see a lot of people trying to bring awareness of acceptance and respectfulness of others, but is it really working? I believe not. And you can look to the left, in the poll right beside this post. After you vote, you can see the results. And it shows that most of you turn to cutting or going through this in silence. See, i'm not judging anyone, because the pain is great. I know. But why is it that we are so afraid of letting others know? Is not because of our fear of being judged? Of being called "weird"?

Well, what if someone DID call us weird or leaves us as a friend. SO WHAT? You are so much better than that, and you deserve someone who can truly understand and be there for you. It's about time we all stand up for the things we believe in. I know you are all very strong people. This just means that you have been strong for too long. So next time someone says something that hurts you, think of how ignorant that person is and how you can teach them otherwise. Return it with a compliment. (Not a sarcastic one).

I wanted to thank those of you reading from Denmark,  Italy, Japan and Australia. Craziness! Thank you! I forgot in the past couple of posts to leave my email. I'm sorry about that but here it is. It's

You can email me if you need someone to talk to, if you have any comments, if you want me to talk about a certain experience or what I think of something, or just to say hi. I would love to hear from all of you. Dont be shy, you would not be the first one :)

As well, you can comment right below and I will see it too :)  Its open for anonymous too, so go ahead and type!

Love you all


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood

Hey guys!

I hope you are all doing well. Things have been pretty busy on my side, but I wanted to make the time to write a little something.

I know we all feel like we have to be perfect in everything we do, otherwise we consider ourselves to be a "failure". But if we really look around, who is our biggest critic? Is it not ourselves? We can be so hard on ourselves that we think that everyone sees us the way we do. Not true. The hardest thing is to be comfortable in your own skin and to know that there are people who WILL accept us for who we are, no matter what.

It's crazy when you actually say outloud "I believe in myself" how you can believe it. It makes you think about it. It's not the same if you say it in your head, you actually have to say it. Out loud. Try it. It can make a difference. Dont say its a stupid thing to do, because you cant lose anything, but you can gain.

I love you all!