Wednesday, January 12, 2011


How do you feel about backstabbers? See, today i just found out about another one and to be honest i'm not in the the greatest of moods. In fact, i'm gonna admit i'm pretty down. Life today is not how i expected it to go. This is adding the fact that I have a math exam tomorrow. That just sucks in itself. What if we take a scenario: There's this boy and this girl. The boy tells the girl he likes her. Girl believes him. Boy helps girl for a loong time throughout problems she had. Boy tells girl she can always trust him. Again, girl believes him. Boy was secretely dating for more than a month. Girl cant believe it. Now suppose this scenario is true. Now, suppose girl is writing this.

How would you feel if you had no one to turn to today? How would you feel if people just assume you are ok? Why is it always that way? Why do people assume? The fact that Girl has no one to turn to right is pretty sad. See, where are those who are called "friends" in days like today? Where are those who said they would never leave? Those who said they would be there every day. Well, it seems like they have forgotten about today, and the day before that, and the day before that.........etc. Some would say to give them the benefit of the doubt. Girl has done that, girl has seen what its like to be replaced. To be told you are not good enough. How would you feel if YOUR best friend told you you are not good enough?

The fact that there's this other person that lives 6 hours away, that you have only seen 5 times in your life, that you know can help you, doesnt help either. Wont answer phone calls, texts, name it. So much for this person to call me a "sister". Family doesnt turn away from you like that. Now, what about my family? Well, turns out that they cant know anything because they take it to the other side. A phone call wont make a difference, a chat, anything. They will overrreact and be extremely worried which is not what i want either. Now you will ask, well what is it that i want?

What i want is to be understood. I'm different, i'm not like a regular person. I stand out, because of my beliefs, because of my situations, etc. I want to feel needed. Not like that always extra person that you cant get rid of. I want my family to love me for who i am, and to understand what its like to be me. I want those people who promised me they would be there, to  come back. Hopefully, its nothing out of the ordinary, since everywhere i look around, people have all these things i'm desiring.

Confessions of Today,
